For those of you who follow me on twitter and facebook , you will certainly be aware that I have very strong feelings in regards to this cause, and with just a few days research I have made astonishing progress in getting hold of images to illustrate the situation's nightmarish impact it is having on the wildlife of Costa Rica.
I am not going to go in to much detail, as I have already blogged the story, but I will elaborate on the fact that there have been numerous reports of electrocutions to the endangered Red Bellied Macaw, some of which were actually re-introduced by local sanctuaries running breeding programs, years of work ruined by the complacent disregard by the country's energy suppliers.
I am putting up a collection of DISTURBING images below, to illustrate just some of the devastation, these are all incidents that have occurred in the past six months in Costa Rica, resulting in dead, injured or orphaned monkeys. Please help spread the word about the situation and to get people to sign the petition.

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